Monday, May 25, 2009

Today is a great day=My Bday

Today is such a great day. It's my bday! I am soo excited and blessed to celebrate my bday with special people in my life. On yesterday, my super-duper girlfriends, took me out. We had a ball and laughed so hard all night. Ask Amberly how long did it take us to order our food. Our server, Greg was awesome. Enjoy the pics of us having fun and trying to be fierce-that was hard for me and Amberly. We smile too much to be fierce. Rochelle on the other hand is always ready to put her "diva" mode in drive. Gotta love it!
Thank you Amberly and Rochelle for celebrating my bday. I had the best of time laughing, eating, snapping pictures, and even asking dumb questions "Greg, was it that?" (Inside joke)

As a bday gift to everyone, eat as much BBQ as you can. I know I am. Enjoy your day today and do something great.

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