Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009...What a Year

I cannot believe this is the last blog of the year. WOW! Where did the time go?

This year has been a very exciting year. As I reflect on it, I am more the grateful for the many blessings God has given me. I truly believe when you step out on faith and do what you know to do, wonderful things start to unfold.

I have been blessed to speak at several functions, provide makeover sessions, and help many realize they are MADE!! What more can I ask for????

As I embark upon 2010, I know it is going to be even better. I woke up with a feeling of knowing"there is something GREAT out there just waiting for me." My job is to make sure I am doing what is required of me so I can receive it ALL!!!!!!

It is my prayer that everyone goes into 2010 with no regrets, and ready to aim higher than ever. Find that thing in life that makes you realize you are MADE and work towards it!

Happy New Year and continue to Making A Difference Everywhere!!!!

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